eta/VPG provides an efficient and comprehensive environment for development of finite element models. In addition, VPG delivers a unique set of tools which allow engineers to create and visualize advanced simulations for vehicle crashworthiness and dynamic durability. VPG version 3.3 contains vastly improved meshing tools in the VPG/PrePost module, which will help users create, prepare and edit models easier, faster and with greater accuracy. Nearly 70 new or enhanced features are now included in VPG 3.3, with 50 of these enhancements in the VPG/PrePost module.
VPG includes:
PrePost, Structure, Safety, Drop Test & ALE/FSI Modules.
The eta/VPG software application is revolutionary. Integrated at an earlier stage of the design process, eta/VPG reduces time, reduces costs and improves quality. eta/VPG’s unique analysis approach, not available with any other CAE product, now allows the automotive industry to achieve its quest of reducing time-to-market and prototype costs.
This streamlined CAE software package provides an event-based simulation solution of
non-linear dynamic problems. eta/VPG’s single software package overcomes the limitations of existing CAE analysis methods. It is design to analyze the behavior of mechanical and structural systems, as simple as linkages, and as complex as full vehicles for vehicle impact, durability and vibration analsis.
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