The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth has popularized a series of postures that has been around for many years called The Five Tibetan's. According to the book, these five exercises will balance and invigorate your chakra energies while slowing or even reversing the aging process. These are big claims but evidently it works. All sorts of people recommend the program outlined in the book like Dr. Bernie Siegel, M. D. author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, John Gray author of, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, actor Martin Sheen and many, many others.
I found the book a delightful story and a great introduction to the mysteries of the chakras and the benefits of yoga. For the advanced practitioner and/or teacher it is another valuable series and another way to view yoga philosophy that it is nice to be familiar with.
For those who want to know the history of the migration of eastern ideas to the west, and want rational explanations for the claims of the first book and who want directions on how to go deeper into the traditions and ideas of the first book, book two is a wonderful resource. It includes more detailed information about the chakras, proper diet, yoga, meditation , Tibetan Budhism and much more.
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